Words containing 帥:
There are 2 words starting with 帥 and at least 4 other words containing 帥 in this database. The average frequency of words in the database containing this character is medium
Click to search Learn Chinese Words.com for other words containing this character or click the References tab for links to other character information sites.
Other characters containing 帥 as a component:
There are 2 character descriptions containing a reference to this character of which all 2 so far have been determined to contain this as a phonetic component.
The average frequency of all characters in the database containing this component is very low
Simp |
Trad |
Pinyin |
English |
Semantic |
Phonetic |
Frequency |
Words |
𦝭 | |
𦝭 | |
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肉 |
帥 |
| |
0 |
𧍓 | |
𧍓 | |
| |
虫 |
帥 |
| |
0 |
Semantic or reference: None
Other: (Back to top) None
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Some common words starting with 帥: (Back to top)
Simp |
Trad |
Pinyin |
English |
Frequency |
帅哥 | |
| |
du4yu2 | |
cute boy |
| |
帅地 | |
| |
shuai4di5 | |
nattily |
| |
Other common words containing 帥: (Back to top)
Simp |
Trad |
Pinyin |
English |
Frequency |
统帅 | |
| |
tong3shuai4 | |
command |
| |
元帅 | |
| |
yuan2shuai4 | |
Marshall |
| |
主帅 | |
| |
zhu3shuai4 | |
Commander |
| |
大帅哥 | |
| |
run4sang3 | |
handsome boy |
| |
大元帅 | |
| |
da4yuan2shuai4 | |
genralissimo |
| |
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