Character Contained In References Comments
Words containing 至:

There are 11 words starting with 至 and at least 10 other words containing 至 in this database. The average frequency of words in the database containing this character is rank orange high

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Other characters containing 至 as a component:

There are 36 character descriptions containing a reference to this character of which 16 so far have been determined to contain this as a phonetic component. The average frequency of all characters in the database containing this component is rank orange high

This component is a useful phonetic. Click to see the breakdown for this component's phonetic value.
Simp Trad Pinyin English Semantic Phonetic Frequency Words
𪗻 𪗻 rank darkblue 0
chi2 seeds of a plant they resemble gall-nuts rank yellow 0
die2 white hempen cloth worn by mourners rank lightblue 0
die2 mound rank darkblue 0
shi4 room rank red 21
xi4 sound of cat rank lightblue 0
zhi2 nephew (of the same surname) rank darkblue 0
zhi4 obstruct rank lightblue 2
zhi4 sickle rank darkblue 0
zhi4 beat rank darkblue 0
zhi4 crop of a fowl rank darkblue 0
zhi4 leech rank lightblue 3
zhi4 fetters rank darkblue 2
zhi4 to cause rank orange 17
zhi4 广 rank lightblue 0
zhi4 extremely rank yellow 0

Semantic or reference:
Simp Trad Pinyin English Semantic Phonetic Frequency Words
dao3 inverted rank red 19
jin4 name of a dynasty rank yellow 6
lou4 to leak rank yellow 10
nan2 south 3 𣎵 rank red 16

Other: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Semantic Phonetic Frequency Words
chi4 walk back and forth rank darkblue 0
dao4 to go rank darkblue 20
die2 rank darkblue 0
die4 rank darkblue 0
tai2 platform rank red 23
wu1 room rank orange 11
xiu1 rank darkblue 0
zhen1 utmost rank yellow 0
zhi2 the sound of reaping rank darkblue 0
zhi3 rank darkblue 0
zhi4 stop rank darkblue 0
zhi4 rank darkblue 0
zhi4 rank darkblue 0
zhi4 rank darkblue 0

Other (no pinyin data available): (Back to top)
Simp Trad Semantic Phonetic Frequency Words
𦥊 𦥊 rank darkblue 0
𨖹 𨖹 rank darkblue 0
pie chart
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Some common words starting with 至: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
至少 zhi4shao3 at least rank red
至今 zhi4jin1 until now rank red
至于 zhi4yu2 go so far as to rank orange
至此 zhi4ci3 until now rank orange
至多 zhi4duo1 at the most rank orange
至上 zhi4shang4 supreme rank yellow
至日 zhi4ri4 solstice rank yellow
至高 zhi4gao1 paramount rank lightblue
至圣 zhi4sheng4 sacrosanctity rank lightblue
至死 zhi4si3 aoutrance rank lightblue
至福 zhi4fu2 beatitude rank darkblue

Other common words containing 至: (Back to top)
Simp Trad Pinyin English Frequency
甚至 shen4zhi4 even rank red
以至 yi3zhi4 until rank red
直至 zhi2zhi4 until then rank orange
乃至 nai3zhi4 and even rank orange
不至于 bu2zhi4yu2 be unlikely rank orange
甚至于 shen4zhi4yu2 even (to the extent that) rank orange
以至于 yi3zhi4yu2 As rank yellow
截至 jie2zhi4 up to (a time) rank yellow
降至 jiang4zhi4 to fall to rank yellow
周至 zhou1zhi4 Zhouzhi rank lightblue
备至 bei4zhi4 in every possible way rank lightblue
拉升至 gui3er4xian1 to pull up to rank darkblue